A Typical Day in 6th Grade Art

Art class is a big change at the middle school level here at Hester Junior High.  Class studio time is monitored primarily by the students.  There are several classroom resources students use to make sure that they always know what to do.  Many of these resources are available on the district art room page that students can access using our classroom ipads.  The 6th grade has done a phenomenal job figuring out how to self-monitor their learning.  Yes, there are sometimes bumps along the way, but we practice having flexibility and forgiveness! 

Here's a short video clip from class last week showing how students work at their own pace each day in art class:

A Day in 6th Grade Art

Students use their unit overview sheets, steps posted on the agenda (that we read aloud each day), demo videos posted on the class website, as well as help each other to ensure that students always know the next step of the project.


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