January Art Students of the Month

Ms. Zill is lucky to have so many AMAZING students in her classroom everyday!  Here are some students who have gone above and beyond to earn the distinguished Art Student of the Month Award for January.

6th Grade: Olivia Pajer
Olivia not only creates challenging, thoughtful projects, but her work is well-executed.  She keeps a watchful eye out for any student in the class that needs help and never hesitates to point them in the right direction.  Olivia has embraced the self-paced nature of art class and always pushes ahead to create more projects. Here's some of Olivia's artwork.

Egyptian Burial Mask

Mixed Media Self-Portrait

Scratchboard Sketchbook

Paper Weaving

Moche Inspired Clay Bottle  

7th Grade: Saimarie Rivera
Saimarie is passionate about creating artwork that is meaningful.  Her art is filled with color and music!  Saimarie is a leader among her peers and her guidance is often sought after.   Saimarie always does her best to keep the classroom and supplies organized even when she wasn't the one to make the mess.  Check out Saimarie's work: 

Canvas Sketchbook

Graffiti Name Wall

Giant Letter Sculpture

8th grade: Victor Terrazas and Gerardo Villa
Victor has grown into himself as an artist this year.  He's always had solid artwork, but this year Victor's really taken the time to think through his ideas to ensure that he is creating artwork that is meaningful and inviting.  Victor has also been a great addition to stage crew and has donated his time to create a logo for the Hester Coffee Crew! (pictures will be posted when the design is finalized)

Repousse Sketchbook

Name Art

Gerardo has been an inspiration to his peers who often consult for his opinion on their projects.  He has a great appreciation for Spiderman, who often finds his way into Gerardo's work.  Gerardo remains focused on his work, and often comes in extra to work on his projects during his recess time.  In addition to his work in art class, Gerardo also designed this fabulous t-shirt for the musical, Once Upon a Mattress.

Repousse Sketchbook

Chihuly Inspired Sculpture

Name Art

T-shirt design for the musical

Ms. Zill is proud of all of her artists at Hester!  Don't forget to check out our school gallery on Artsonia!  Click on the link below to visit our gallery now

Hester Junior High Gallery on Artsonia


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