Sketchbook Party Friday!

New to art this trimester was the addition of "Sketchbook Party Friday!"  Every trimester students fill out a course evaluation, and I have had a number of students express a desire to learn more drawing skills - so we set aside a day each week to learn different skills or techniques.

This week we mixed it up a bit, as students had a more open ended assignment.  

I read to students the book, "The Day the Crayons Quit" written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by Oliver Jeffers.  The book is written from the perspective of the different colored crayons expressing why they quit!  Students listened attentively to the story and laughed out loud at several moments.  

After finishing the story, I asked students to make a colorful drawing inspired by the book.  Each student drew their own take on the assignment and got to work!  Although some students took longer to come up with their idea and didn't get as far as others, I found it interesting to find so many different idea throughout the day!

Check out the awesome work!  (I can't seem to get some of the images to rotate correctly, so you might have to turn your head - sorry!)  


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