East Leyden Winter Art Show!

Leyden Winter Art Show

Each winter and spring the high school hosts an art exhibit for all of the current high school art students.  In addition the art teachers from the feeder schools are invited to display work of 7th and 8th grade students.  A fabulous celebration of the arts!  

I am proud to say that the following current Hester students were represented in the show this year: 

7th Grade
Aaliyah Diaz 
Yaritza Frias
Divents Moya
Olivia Pajer
Gabe Predescu 
Kevin Romanowski
Ryan Smith

8th Grade 
Ashley Castanon
Yanelis Chaparro
Mikalya Class
Juliana Franco
Geselle Garcia
Cristina Martinez
Evie Perez
Sebastian Puentes
Alexandra Zorniak

Special Thanks to Yaritza and Mikayla for attending the evening reception! 

And a whole lot of Hester Alum were represented in the show too!  There are too many to list individually, but the following Hester Alum won awards at the show: 

Oriana Barney: Class of 2012
Elvina Malkoc: Class of 2013
Katelyn Woods: Class of 2013
Deanna Nino: Class of 2015
Alejandro Martinez: Class of 2015

The following two Hester Alum are working towards earning college credit for their artwork in AP art:

Veronica Perez: Class of 2012
Aileen Padilla: Class of 2012

These fabulous Hester Alum were also represented in the show: 

Special shout to to Xitlali Frias for her ceramic project that Ms. Zill forgot to photograph because she was so excited to visit with her old student!  


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