So Proud!

My students know that I believe in what I teach, and therefore, sometimes go a little overboard when sharing how amazing the power of art is.  Today, my 7th graders were starting their linoleum block reduction prints about a social issue and I was sharing with them how wonderful this project is.  I was talking with them about the importance of making art about topics that impact our society and they were engaged!  There is so much going on in the world today, giving students a chance to express their feelings about important topics is an essential life skill.

I was also able to brag about the 4 students who won regional Scholastic Art & Writing Awards last year and the one who went on to win a National Silver Award!  Students were in awe that their peers were able to accomplish such awards, but I am not.  I know my students are capable of much more than they believe, and it just takes believing in them long and hard enough until they see it themselves.

In 11 days, Ashley, her family and I will make the drive out to the University of Iowa for a ceremony honoring the national award winners.  I am so proud of all my artists, but especially proud of the look on Ashley's face as we were discussing the upcoming ceremony - she knows what a feat she has accomplished!

Ashley Saenz's National Silver Award winning print
Regional Gold Award Print

Andrea Gutierrez's Regional Gold Award Print

Frank Klein's Regional Silver Award Print

Kirsten Ramos' Regional Silver Award Print


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